June 29, 2020, València, Spain
The one-day DCDS'20 workshop aims at providing researchers with a forum to exchange and discuss scientific contributions and open challenges, both theoretical and practical, related to the use of data-centric approaches that promote the dependability and cybersecurity of computing systems. We want to foster joint work and knowledge exchange between the dependability and security communities, and researchers and practitioners from areas such as machine and statistical learning, and data science and visualization.
The workshop provides a forum for discussing novel trends in data-centric processing technologies and the role of such technologies in the development of resilient systems. It aims to discuss novel approaches for processing and analysing data generated by the systems as well as information gathered from open sources, leveraging from data science, machine and statistical learning techniques, and visualization. The workshop shall contribute to identify new application areas as well as open and future research problems, for data-centric approaches to system dependability and security.
DCDS welcomes submissions in two formats:
Research papers should be work that is not previously published or concurrently submitted elsewhere and will be published in the proceedings.
All submissions should be in PDF and must adhere to the IEEE Computer Society 8.5″x11″ two-column camera-ready format (using a 10-point font on 12-point single-spaced leading). Templates are available here: https://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html
Reviewing is single-blind, and the names and affiliations of the authors must appear in the submitted papers. Submissions that do not respect the formatting requirement may be rejected without review.
Submission site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dcds20
Authors of accepted regular papers will have 30 minutes for presentation and discussion during the workshop, while authors of short papers will have 15 minutes.
At least one author of an accepted paper must register at the workshop.
Accepted papers (regular and short) will be published in the DSN supplemental volume and made available in IEEE Xplore.